Friday, 16 March 2012


Just thought I'd check in and let you know why it's been quiet around here. Nothing exciting, I've been writing my dreaded dissertation! Eek! As you probably don't know, I'm studying psychology. As a psychology student I am expected to carry out an experiment, analyse the results using statistical tests and then write it up in a report. I found carrying out the experiment really hard, I'm very shy with people I don't know so it was just awkward. Lucky for me, my uni has just started using an online system where you put your study up and then other psychology students can come and sign up to it. The great thing about this system is that to use it you have to collect credit points in your first and second year. You have to collect 20 credit points to be able to give out unlimited credit points. It means that you don't have to beg people to participate because you can offer them credit points :) But yeah, still really awkward telling people what to do in your study!
Anyway, I finished a big section of my write up today so I decided to take the rest of the day off. I think my need it, my brain is starting to turn to mush! lol
Also, a huge thank you to Sarah from Narcoleptic in a Cupboard for passing me the Liebster award!! :) Thank you so much! I love Sarah's blog, and as a psychology student I love that Sarah shares her experience of narcolepsy. I find it so interesting! :) I was lucky enough to receive this award once before and you can see that here :) Go check out those blogs!!
Right, I'm off to enjoy a cuppa. And then I need to have a quick tidy so I can get my sewing machine out :)
Ashley x


  1. Sounds like a well deserved afternoon off! Good luck getting it all completed...I hope you have some interesting results :) I am currently supervising 2 undergrad projects so I understand your pain. Just think of all the extra sewing/knitting time you'll have when it's done!!!

    1. I did get some interesting results, all significant too! :)

  2. Sending you some dissertation love! Just handed in my first draft - what a yucky experience. Sounds like you're making good progress though. Keep at it, you totally earned a break for some sewing time. Copious amounts of tea helps, and the happiest songs you know. :) x

    1. It's been handed in!! :D Lots of tea and biscuits helped. And I baked some yummy treats too :)

  3. We had a nightmare with our dissertations as every 3rd year psychology student was trying to recruit participants so everyone we approached had already done at least one study!. We gave away chocolate as an incentive in the end. Also i hated approaching people, so i feel your pain :o)

    1. Yeah, it was the same here. We have a facebook group for our year so we could beg for participants, so lots of people did each others studies to help each other out :)

  4. Go Ashley! Definitely a well-deserved afternoon off. Anyone who says that doing a degree is easy is lying through their teeth (or they're going to get a naff degree...)

    1. Yeah, definitely not easy. Nearly done though! :)


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